Infrastructure and Other Services
Road Networks
National Road in Pitogo has a total of 24.768 km of which 20.506 km is classified as National Secondary Road and 4.262 km as National Tertiary Road.
Pitogo has a total of 6.269 km of Municipal Roads at its Poblacion Area with 6.2445 km is concrete and 0.0214 km located at Vinzon Street which is unpassable due to obstruction.
National Roads
National Road in Pitogo has a total of 24.768 km of which 20.506 km is classified as National Secondary Road and 4.262 km as National Tertiary Road.
Municipal Roads
Pitogo has a total of 6.269 km of Municipal Roads at its Poblacion Area with 6.2445 km is concrete and 0.0214 km located at Vinzon Street which is unpassable due to obstruction.
Barangay Roads
Pitogo has a total of 33.646 km of Barangay Roads of which 20.60% or 7.200 km is concrete and 78.97% or 27.596 km is earth and unpassable during rainy seasons, in exception of Brgy Sampaloc and Brgy Quezon, while Brgy Gangahin to Brgy Quinagasan, Brgy Nag-cruz to Brgy Payte are proposed for construction.
Power, Water, Communication Network
There are a total of 4,680 households in Pitogo who enjoy electricity, 451 who use kerosene, 16 who use liquefied petroleum gas, 14 households who use oil, seven (7) who use solar panels, 33 who use solar lamps, 13 household who use other forms of power generating equipment and eight (8) households who have no access to power.

Level III Water System is located at Barangay Nag-cruz, while the other remaining barangays have the Level I Water Supply Facilities with shallow well, Deep Well, Developed Springs and emproved dug well.
Water Consumption
Areas covered by various Water
- Dulong Bayan
- Dalampasigan
- Pag-asa
- Castillo
- Maaliw
Level Supply
6. Pamilihan 7. Mayubok
8. Masaya
9. Manggahan 10. Nag-cruz
Our municipality also have household with no access to potable water. The total household as of 2015 is 5,095 and 1,223 of it has no access to potable water.
Waste Management
The average garbage collection is 520kg/day. The garbage collection in poblacion is schedule every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
The following figure shows the average waste generated by the municipality:
Biodegradable | 0.126 kg/day which consists of 35% |
Recycled | 0.136 kg/day which consists of 38% |
Residual | 0.062 kg/day which consist of 17% |
Special | 0.033 kg/day which consists of 10% |